Pork Guy (殺豬犯)

Shing was jailed for murdering somebody in Hong Kong. He came back to Taiwan finally to face his family and his own future. Shing decided to take over his mum’s business and sell pork in the market. 

'Pork Guy' is a comedy, based on a murderer’s life when he was selling pork in the market. The desire of turning over a new leaf can be seen when Shing was doing business in the market and dealing with the people there.

在香港殺人被関的關天星離家多年,終於回到臺灣,重新面對家人及自己的人生。為向母親證明自己重新做人的決心,天星拿起殺豬刀,接手家裏的生意、在菜市場擺豬肉攤...... 《殺豬犯》以喜劇元素點綴,將一個重刑犯回家後發生的事情生活化地表現出來,以市場及市場人物去做故事設計,突出主角內心想要回歸正常生活的渴望。
