‘Made’ is the tale of a woman’s intriguing double life. Minako, a young Japanese female, lives in a Tokyo penthouse with her European boyfriend, a successful musician. One morning she leaves the apartment as usual, dressed in formal office attire.
But instead of arriving at a desk, she emerges amongst the busy crowds of Akihabara’s infamous entertainment district. From a station locker, she takes out a mysterious pink suitcase – the key to her other life. Inside a windowless room, she reveals the first glimpse into a secret existence, as she ritualistically dresses herself in a costume for a job in one of the numerous Akihabara maid bars.
Later, David, a European lawyer, turns up at the Maid Bar. Their brief encounter will turn out to be a threat to her carefully orchestrated multiple lives. She has a deeper secret, which proves to be much more dangerous than her subservient maid character would suggest. Minako is an avatar in a game called Tokyo and David has become a danger to her idyllic cover story.
“Made” 關於一個女孩擁有雙重人生的故事。Minako,一個與歐籍男友同居在東京的年輕日本女孩。那一天,她像往常一樣穿著正式整齊的離開住所。
但是並不是到了辦工作,而是前往了最繁華的地點秋葉原 Akihabara 。她從寄放櫃中拿出了一個神秘的粉紅行李箱——那個藏著她第二人生的秘密。在那個佈滿鏡子的房間裡,她穿上了性感俏麗的女僕裝,當上了女僕咖啡館的服務生。
不久,她遇上了來自歐洲的律師David,還以這個秘密威脅著Minako。 可是David 卻永遠都不會知道,Minako 擁有著更深更危險的秘密,而David 也將永遠深埋在這黑暗的秘密中。