Kandy (Kandy Wong) had a big fight with her boyfriend and decided to change her phone number for good. However, that marks the beginning of nightmares... every night at 3, someone calls the number...she picked up with fear, and there is a little boy's (Matthew Wong) voice coming from the other side of the phone. So, what is the mysterious story behind this number, the little boy, and Kandy?

Kandy 與男友大吵了一架更因此而換上了新電話號碼。然而,這卻意味著可怕噩夢的開始...每天的凌晨三點鐘,她都會收到一個小男孩 (Matthew Wong) 所打來的電話。究竟神秘號碼與小男孩和 Kandy 之間隱藏著什麼樣的秘密呢?
