The Tide
At some point in life an age-old question will inevitably crop up: Do we swim against the tide or go with the flow?The band, Against the Tide, was doomed before it even started.A year later, the songwriter is selling his soul to catchy pop tunes and commercial music, hitching his wagon to else’s grand schemes while being hitched by a young music devotee; the bassist is venturing north across the border; the drummer is working as an insurance agent and all set for fatherhood. Before the factory building is demolished for a lucrative redevelopment scheme, the band members, bar one, return to their studio to clear out the place, contemplating making a final appearance for a farewell gig. The reunion takes place, albeit obliquely, each member putting their best foot forward to steer their own course.逆流當前,你想順流而下還是逆流而上呢?Against The Tide,一個還未發表卻已經胎死腹中的樂團。被逼遷的那一天,團友一起回到了當初的樂房收拾著彼此的回憶。縱然熱情還在,但現實的殘酷讓他們無法再繼續大家共同的夢想。生活的沖擊、人與人之間的複雜關係,讓他們一直以來的堅持看起來或許也只是一場空。